Welcome to Chu Sau Lei Wing Chun Singapore

Chu Sau Lei (CSL) Wing Chun was founded in 2006 and has become one of the premier Wing Chun schools in Singapore. We have our roots in the Yip Man lineage as taught by his student GGM Hawkins Cheung, and his student GM Robert Chu Sau Lei.
CSL Wing Chun and is widely known in Wing Chun community for its Force Flow method, the skills to absorb, re-direct and issue power using optimal body vectors and kinetics.
We train with a small, dedicated group of students. Our objective is to create a safe yet challenging environment for our students to learn Chinese Martial arts, self-defense and improve their health and fitness. We accept students of all skill levels and back ground, age 15 years and above.

What is Wing Chun

Wing Chun Kuen (咏春拳) is a practical, combat oriented Chinese martial art. It’s a close-range martial art and has a strong emphasis on efficiency and practicality with a blend of hard and soft techniques.
Wing Chun does not rely on brute force, and instead focusses on the ability to absorb attacks quickly and efficiently while maintaining a core defense.
Over the past decades Wing Chun has become very popular because of its simple and direct combat strategies.

What Our Students Say

This Wing Chun club is probably the best kept secret in Singapore. If you want to learn Wing Chun and bring out the best in you, you get everything you ask for. No frill training with a very committed and competent Sifu, second to none. Low student-to -teacher ratio for a lot of one-on-one attention and

David, Aged 38

After trying and wasting time at various wing chun schools in Singapore and overseas I finally found an amazingly skillful,  patient and very well experienced Sifu who can not only make one understand the art in a simpler way but has also a modern and very functional approach to everyday situation one might be facing.

Daniel, Aged 31

I have been learning CSL wing chun for about a year now. As someone with no martial arts background, I find the lessons easy to follow. Sifu is very detailed and clear in his explanations of the techniques. On top of that, he is very patient and understanding in guiding beginning students like me. The seniors there are also very supportive and helpful and I can rely on their help and guidance whenever I am unsure.

Diana, Aged 24
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Our School Teaches

Wing Chun. (咏春拳)

 It is important that new students of the art of  Wing Chun get proper guidance. Wing Chun is not complicated but not that easy to learn because you have to “unlearn” many innate reflexes. At our Wing Chun school, we have a comprehensive training syllabus and periodic grading to give guidance to students to progress faster on their learning path. We strongly advise new students to take up our 3-month Beginners Program. This course will give you a good foundation and a clear path to progress further with Wing Chun training. The focus for intermediate and more advanced students is to get better at what they already know. Wing Chun is not about accumulating fancy forms or techniques, it is simple and straight forward. At this stage, your training is to understand the depth of your forms, its fundamental techniques and to develop the internal (Qi Gong) aspects of our Wing Chun training. 

Come and join us! 

San Shou (散手)

Literally means, free sparring or free fighting.  It is a gloves-based sparring and training method.  San Shou routine is to practice pad work, punches, kicks and takedowns. Excellent for building your cardio, strength and endurance. It is an integral part of our Wing Chun training. Here you test what you have learned and now experience “first hand” what works and in which areas of your training you still need to improve.

Qi Gong (气功)

Is a 5000-year old Chinese self-healing system and an integral component of Chinese martial art practice. At CSL Wing Chin we teach Six Core Elements Qi Gong. It teaches the student to maximize his potential by loosen the body, calm the mind and integrate the breath. Learning Qi Gong has practical applications and health benefits for learning martial arts and your daily life.

Learn Wing Chun With Us

If you’d like to learn Wing Chun, then our school would be very happy to hear from you. We accept students from all skill levels.